Sep 3, 2012

Work It...

I stopped my ideal protein diet awhile ago. It was so great and I lost a lot of weight really fast and in a healthy way. Once all the wedding madness started I sort of decided to take a break over those weekends and then I just could never quite get back to it 100%. What's the point in spending the money on it when you're not sticking to it, right? So I stopped cold turkey. Since then, I've gained about 7-10 pounds back. I'm not completely sure how much and that's been since about April or so. It's pretty disappointing and I'm pretty sure the weight gain happened when I was eating pretty terribly lol. I guess that's what will happen!!

I also wasn't able to workout when I was doing the diet and since then be been back to the gym, which has been great. I've been following my own sort of routine and recently started going to fitness classes. I've done Zumba a few times, which is pretty fun but I'm pretty sure I look really bad doing it. The class that I really love is body pump. It's so intense and it's a total body workout and I just love it. I've only been to it once a week for three weeks now and I'm already noticing definition. I can only attend on Fridays because their childcare is not open all day long. My time is sort of limited because of that. Anyway, I'll try to post about some progress.

In a few days we leave for New York for Garrett and Jenna's wedding weekend!! I'm so excited to see everyone and to stay a whole weekend at a super nice country club. Zach is a groomsman. My parents are coming to New York and staying for the weekend to keep Brayden. Zach and I have never been apart from him at the same time. It's going to be a little mini vacation for us!!

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